Friday, January 28, 2011

And life goes on.

Since day two of being here, Marisa's car has not been working. Through extensive research (aka: asking Taylor), we figured out it was a problem with the ignition cylinder. Finally, after prompting Marisa to start her car (yes, in the end, it was me who fixed her car by a prompt), it started! I'm guessing it was frozen and finally melted due to the extreme heat outside. So we decided to go out to eat, walk around the mall, visit Target, and leave Marisa's phone in the Target parking lot. Luckily some kind person called my phone saying they found Marisa's phone and we got it back. From 7-8pm and 2-3a Marisa and I had signed up to do the 24-hour prayer vigil (1-2  people from Cottonwood signing up for an hour prayer slot to pray at the chapel on campus). It was great! You never realize just how much you need to pray about until about two hours into it. I could've gone for another round but alas, we needed to return home because of this thing we refer to as "college class". 

Lots of goodness has been going on around here. My roommate went to church with me on Sunday and even came to homegroup that night! I'm hoping and praying she'll continue to come. One thing that caught me off guard last night (2-3am...) was that on the prayer request list someone had written down how they feel like there are no personal relationships going on within the church. They feel that we hang out at organized events and game nights, but outside of that no one is watching their back and they're left alone. I realized just how true this is. Sure, we see each other often, but no one is taking that step to keep up with these people we try to start relationships with. No one is talking to you throughout the day, sending a friendly text, or really investing time into your life. I find this is so even in my case, but I haven't noticed much because fortunately God has been the answer to all my sorrow. But it hurt me to see that other people were feeling that way. We do a fantastic job at outreach, evangelism, and good deeds, but the relationships within the church need some work. No church is perfect, but I'm sure glad I'm at Cottonwood Community Church!

News... news... hmmm... Not much news here except: 1. I'm sad because I don't believe I'll get to go back home this summer. 2. I walked out of Greek near tears because I bombed a Greek test (which never happens). 3. Taking 20 credits while paying two rents, trying to keep two jobs and also struggling to get my hours in for field experience really is strenuous. But I'm awesome (hence: "Being Awesome 101"). Woot woot Amen Amen wooty woot woot hallelujah amen! (A new worship song by Donica Severson)



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