Thtreth (or "stress" as others have heard it said). Finances. Emotions. Family relations. I didn't have these in ND, and it all takes so much work... I'm surprisingly approaching them head on, although my natural tendency would be to simply run away from these fears, emotions, and problems...BLAH. BOPPITY BOOPY.
Christmas was fun, I got my ancient Greek new testament! WOOT! I think I might just sit on the plane with it open and pretend I'm awesome (but who needs to pretend???). My Pennsylvania cousins came up for Christmas and we had a few days of straight "activities". Yesterday Lars Arneson, my two cousins and I hiked to the saddle on skyline. As always, I got carried away and took off, and surprisingly Lars was able to hold back and wait for my cousins. I had mix feelings of conviction, irritation, and pure joy. I forgot my coat and was in my underarmor and a t-shirt... but the the weather was great! And the snow was soft and dry, completely dust-off-able. Anywho, I don't have many pictures of my own, but I have lots of this Christmas break on my facebook. However, I believe it would be wrong of me not to post a picture of my little sista on Christmas morning.